This project report is on Foreign Appraisal Projects and special appearances of Foreign Appraisal Projects An Introduction, Steps involved in Foreign Project Appraisal, Foreign Project Appraisal- Criteria, Foreign Project Appraisal- Problems, Points to be considered in Foreign Project Appraisal and case studies are Barkath Chemicals Food Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia, Delta in Greek Market, ONGC Videsh Ltd. in Vietnam, Analysis of Power Purchase Agreement, Roll Road Company Ltd. and Power Company.
Foreign Appraisal Projects - Introduction: The major impact of globalization on the economies of countries has been the integration of world markets; it has enfurled new opportunities of investments for the economies by blurring the thin line that demarcates foreign and domestic investments. The allure of high return and diversification has led, many a countries to cross the national boundaries and capture the world market. One such way is by setting up projects abroad and catering to the market locally. This may involve additional risks, thereby, making it imperative to carry out feasibility study.
The difference however, lies in identifying and evaluating the additional elements, which form part of foreign or cross border projects, which generally are:
Some of the special circumstances involved in Foreign Appraisal Projects are:
In spite of this, the number of foreign projects undertaken by countries has been increasing, generally taking the form of foreign direct investment (FDI). India itself has been encouraging such projects, for reasons like matching demand and supply, technology transfer and new production methods etc.
Table of Contents:
Project Description :
Category : Project Report for MBA
Title : Project Report on Foreign Appraisal Projects
Pages : 40
Description : This project report on Foreign Appraisal Projects and special appearances of Foreign Appraisal Projects An Introduction, Steps involved in Foreign Project Appraisal, Foreign Project Appraisal- Criteria, Foreign Project Appraisal- Problems, Points to be considered in Foreign Project Appraisal and case studies are Barkath Chemicals Food Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia, Delta in Greek Market, ONGC Videsh Ltd. in Vietnam, Analysis of Power Purchase Agreement, Roll Road Company Ltd. and Power Company.
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