Introduction: This project discusses the "CONSUMERS PERCEPTION TOWARDS E-LEARNING (Done at e-Macmillan, a subsidiary of Macmillan India Limited)". E-Macmillan, the E-business division of Macmillan India Ltd, has entered into the e-learning business by providing online executive development programme to working graduates in India and abroad. The company has launched this programme in late 2000.At the beginning they concentrated only on corporate, but later on they decided to tap the retail market as the potential in this market is very high.
The project report was carried out for E-Macmillan to evaluate the consumers’ perception towards e-learning.
Also this project report is to know the market potential of E-macmillan in the retail market and to give a marketing mix on the basis of the study.
The study was carried out by using a questionnaire method. For this purpose a simple questionnaire consisting of 5 questions was made. The questionnaire was made simple because of two reasons:
The company requires a huge data
The target group was working graduates who normally have very little time to spend.
A total of 1140 data were collected from Delhi and NCR region over a period of two months. The areas covered include South Delhi, Central Delhi, Noida and Gurgaon.
A large no 91.66% of the respondents feel that learning is important for their career growth.
On the acceptability of part 54.64% of the total sample size accepts partially. That is they have some apprehensions in their mind and they may or may not accept the concept e-learning depending upon the situation. The main reason for that is the attitude of the consumers towards e learning over the traditional class room coaching as many still prefers class room coaching. The other objective that is to know the market potential of e-Macmillan, a whooping 65% accepts the programme. This shows that in about 2 to 3 years from now the market will respond positively.
As far as the recommendations are concerned the emphasis should be in including more and more variety of courses like course on marketing and on international marketing.
The company should give importance on the promotional activities of the product as during the course of the project it was found out that only very few people knows about e-Macmillan and its offerings.
Even though the current market for online courses is on the slower side, it is expected that India would be the hub of e-learning business as new and newer entrants will increase the competition, to face that competition the company has to be fully equipped. Currently the market is growing at a rate of 20%.
The Objectives of the Project Report:
Primary Objective:
The primary or the main objective of the study was to analyze the corporate people’s perception towards e-learning and to assess the market potential of e-macmillan in the individual or the retail market.
Secondary Objective:
The project helped in getting an inside view of the corporate Industry. It also has earned me an opportunity to interact with a lot of people and there by helping me in knowing their attitude and behaviour.
Table of Contents of Project Report:
Project Description :
Title : Project Report Consumer's Perception towards E-Learning (Done at e-Macmillan, a subsidiary of Macmillan India Limited)
Category : Project Report for MBA
Description : Project Report Consumer's Perception towards E-Learning (Done at e-Macmillan, a subsidiary of Macmillan India Limited)
Pages : 54
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